There is so much to enjoy in the local countryside on our doorstep.
Through 2024 we have a programme of walks on every third Wednesday morning, starting on 27th March, and going on through the Summer into early October. Some walks will be shorter (around 5 miles), and others will be longer (7-12 miles). All walks are circular, starting and ending at a car parking point. The longer walks will include a stop for a picnic and there may be a cafe/pub stop either at the end!
YOU MUST HAVE: Good walking shoes or boots, Weather-appropriate walking clothes, Water/drinks bottle, moderate fitness
YOU MAY WISH TO CARRY: a day bag (small rucksack), waterproof/warm clothing, your drinks, snacks / fruit
WHEN: See timetable of events for dates and download the 2024 flyer for more details.
FEES : Currently, annual subs to join HSCP is £25 which includes access to all of our activities, except Walking Football. Come and try before you need to join. All money goes towards organisation of the activities and upkeep of the facilities - we are a non-profit making organisation.
For more information, please contact us here, or email us at: info@
During the Spring and Summer of 2022 Richard guided us across the 100 miles of the South Down's Way, from Winchester to Eastbourne. Each leg, of around 8-12 miles, is different with unique points of interest and scenery. Click on this link to download Richard's guide to all 10 walks. SDW Challenge 100 Mile Walk.