Walking football plays Footgolf!

On 21st September Gary organised for a team from the Walking Footballers to join in a Foot Golf charity event run by a local organisation called Just Different. Various local organisation entered teams for this annual event, and it was well supported by local businesses who donated funds and raffle prizes.  Our footballers (who called themselves the Silver Hotshots!) were beaten into second place, but everyone enjoyed the day. Click on the Chichester Observer link for report

JustDifferent is a charity which aims to make a positive change to the lives of both disabled & non-disabled people through the delivery of their unique workshops. They say “Today’s children and young people are tomorrow’s employers, policy makers and educators. To impress upon them that disabled people can achieve, participate and lead just like them, is the ultimate goal of JUSTDIFFERENT.”  See also Face Book page

walking football footgolfwalking football footgolfwalking football footgolfwalking football footgolfwalking football footgolf




Posted in Walking Football.